
June 8, 2017

What’s your legacy

When we write a book, we always begin with the end in mind. We ask a client specific questions over six weeks on telephone coaching calls. This is an intentional process for creating speeches and writing books. One of the questions I ask is: What was the best day of your life? […]
December 28, 2016

Mobilepreneur: Why working anywhere could be your biggest asset in 2017

A mobile mindset is gold. When you can work anywhere at anytime you have complete freedom, in your personal and business life. And freedom is something that money can’t buy. When you’re a mobilepreneur, you can work at home, and spend time with your family (without feeling conflicted) travel the world with […]
December 19, 2016

The 4 TED talks to watch before the start of 2017 to help with year end goal setting

TEDx is a global platform where scientists and thought leaders present ideas that change the world. Many of our clients at OnFire Books want to deliver one, however it’s more coveted than any television or media appearance and difficult to achieve as a speaker, because TED doesn’t look for speakers. Watching TED […]
November 16, 2016

Time is Currency

  Article by Tiarra Tompkins, Vice President of OnFire Books. Where are you losing your time? Time is an interesting concept. We all have the same hours in a day. For those of us who wake up, we can choose how we spend that time. Sometimes those choices are hard. Despite our […]
November 15, 2016

What’s Your Life and Business Legacy?

Everything in life begins with a conversation. Businesses, relationships, movements. You could have the greatest idea in the world, but if you do not connect and have a conversation with others, your idea remains stagnant. The Conversation is a gathering of 100 World Changers. An intentional event to come together to ignite […]
September 19, 2016

3 Brilliant Tips You Can Use To Build Business Relationships

  Popularity matters. It might have been a negative term in the past, drawing up images of the mean girl in high school. But that’s not what it means today. Let’s not kid ourselves. No one desires to be unpopular. Social equity is the new currency. And no matter who you are […]
September 17, 2016

Disruption: More than a buzzword

Everywhere you look it seems as if someone is talking about the word “disruption.” Disruptive innovation is written about in articles and blogs on Forbes, Smart Money, and the Harvard Business Review, among others. An entire industry has flourished around this one word and now there are disruption consultants, disruption awards, disruption […]
August 22, 2016

Be Fierce: 3 Tips From an 80 year old Rockstar That Will Change Your Life Today

  Are you fiercely attacking life? Are you actively engaged in being mindful about living your dream? I’m surrounded with (and write books for) world changers, so chances are if you’re getting this message the answer is yes. Stay with me here. This is just a little reminder. A wake up call. […]