
January 2, 2019

2019 A Personal Note and a Gift From Me to You

Thank you for being in my world. I’m sitting in front of a fire writing this on a snow laden mountain about to night ski for the first time. I don’t really ski, so skiing at night brings a myriad of interesting feelings. Normally I’d be on a beach this time of […]
November 25, 2018

Everyone Needs a Vacation

In today’s world, there is so much stress. With constant wild fires, shootings, and tornadoes, bad things happen so constantly that it can be hard to focus on the good things. That’s why everyone needs some time away from their work or school. Every day we spend energy on some type of […]
November 20, 2018

You Can (and Should) Judge a Book by Its Cover

You Can (and Should) Judge a Book by Its Cover Your book cover is one of the most important elements of your book. Think of it in terms of your business: if you own a car dealership, you need a sign out front. If you don’t have one or it’s broken, chances […]
October 4, 2018

The Book Cover

July 30, 2018

Success in a New York Minute

Article written by Dawn Burnett, Reporter for OnFire Books   When you sit and analyze the happiness level of employees in most organizations the statistics are shocking. According to a recent Gallup study, 70% of Americans at work are disengaged. This disengagement costs organizations billions every year. So what is the answer? How […]
July 29, 2018

Choosing To Do The Right Thing

Article written by Dawn Burnett, Reporter for OnFire Books Have you ever been at a crossroads in life and lost sleep over a decision that needed to be made? It’s so easy to skip a step and jump to the wrong conclusion or make a rash decision, which usually leads to a […]
June 24, 2018

Let us help you get more clients in 3/4 Quarter!

It’s the second half of the year. Are your marketing content posts and blogs already scheduled? If not, why? The biggest challenge that people face is coming up with creative content and understanding how to market it and when. Most successful Authors, CEOs and Entrepreneurs don’t have time to develop more content. […]
June 21, 2018

Why Excuses Are Not an Option

Article written by Dawn Burnett, Reporter for OnFire Books Fear can often hold us back in life from achieving greatness. We over think how things may not work out, instead of stepping out and taking a shot at our dreams. It’s ok to not succeed with our first try, many of the […]
June 21, 2018

Leading with Intention

Article written by Dawn Burnett, Reporter for OnFire Books   Have you ever wondered how some people advance in life while others don’t? How do some people become CEOs of companies while others are employees of the CEOs? According to a recent study by the Center for Creative Leadership, nearly 40 percent of […]
June 14, 2018

The Psychology of the Sale

Brain research and psychology are two very different sciences that impact your revenue. Are you leveraging it? Forbes Council Member Tammy Kling, is the CEO of OnFire Leadership Company. “The neurology of the brain and how we learn, combined with human psychology, is critical to understanding the right words to use and who […]