
June 8, 2017

What’s your legacy

When we write a book, we always begin with the end in mind. We ask a client specific questions over six weeks on telephone coaching calls. This is an intentional process for creating speeches and writing books. One of the questions I ask is: What was the best day of your life? […]
December 19, 2016

The 4 TED talks to watch before the start of 2017 to help with year end goal setting

TEDx is a global platform where scientists and thought leaders present ideas that change the world. Many of our clients at OnFire Books want to deliver one, however it’s more coveted than any television or media appearance and difficult to achieve as a speaker, because TED doesn’t look for speakers. Watching TED […]
June 3, 2016

Tammy Kling, Ghost Writer Materializes Bestsellers

Athletes. CEOs. Celebrities. She’s written for them all. And you probably don’t know even her name. But the most amazing story from this exceptional author — may be her own. Tammy Kling is a ghost writer. This wife and mother of two has written for 90 different authors and counting. The most recent book […]