Time is Currency
November 16, 2016
The 4 TED talks to watch before the start of 2017 to help with year end goal setting
December 19, 2016


Is it time for a change? As we enter a new year and exit the old, it’s time to think about our goals and aspirations.

Routine and discipline is good.

But have you ever met someone new, who changed your life forever? Looking back, you can’t believe your life before them. Or maybe you encountered a new piece of knowledge, way of learning, or travel destination that has opened your heart and mind and altered your perspective.

Pattern interrupts create a shift.


Pattern interruption is a term used by psychologists to describe a process of achieving massive change by interrupting what you’re currently doing. Whether it’s an emotional or psychological pattern, eating habits, or a business system, disrupting the habits (pattern) you have developed is key.

1. Search out new experiences that create longevity through new brain stimulation, growth and activity.

Pick five new experiences you’ll try, and start today. Sign up for a group and plan to connect with strangers.

New food, new music you’d never listen to, new small towns.

The benefit is immediate – because it’s an adventure.

Sign up for The Conversation, or some other group of world changers without thinking of excuses why you can’t.


2. Make 3 massive personal changes.

Always wanted to color your hair, write a book, spend 48 hours without your cellphone, or serve the homeless? Do new things alone, to fully feel it. Trust me on this one. Remember it’s about pattern interrupt.


3. Disrupt your fitness routine.

Your friends love canoeing, weight lifting, running or Pilates but you don’t? Try a completely different exercise and go all in.

Change your eating habits completely, to mirror things you’d normally never eat and you may find your metabolism jump starts, and your body feels healthy. Break out! Do something new, even if life works great for you now. I guarantee you’ll meet new people who add to your life, and create a kaleidoscope of rich experiences along the way.

To your legacy,

Tammy Kling

P.S. For the most amazing pattern interrupt ever check out this exclusive event and apply to attend The Conversation Event.

Your Words Matter
The Conversation Event was created for world changers like you, those who will advance in a particular wealth of knowledge in the next decade, and have strong goals related to faith, family, finances, and fitness. Are you 1 of 100?

Featured Author
Meet Stefan Aarnio, an award-winning real estate investor, coach, author, and public speaker.


What’s Your Legacy?
We’re having a winter sale! Write your life and business book with us and get published in 2017! Call (877) 806 – 4921 or visit our website to get started today.