Everything Begins With A Conversation

What is your Legacy?
June 18, 2016
First Impressions Matter: Why Your Book Cover is Everything
July 31, 2016

What’s your life and business legacy?

Everything in life begins with a conversation.

Businesses, relationships, movements. You could have the greatest idea in the world, but if you do not connect and have a conversation with others, your idea remains stagnant. The Conversation is a gathering of 100 World Changers. An intentional event to come together to ignite ideas. 


Words change lives.


Words aren’t just words. They are your legacy to help mentor others to find solutions long after you are gone.


In business – words are critical. They are the engine that delivers your message and builds your brand.


What’s your legacy?

Click the video below to see former NFL player, John Haggerty and others talk about theirs. Join The Conversation.

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 OnFire Books Writing Company

