2018 & You

What’s your biggest dream?
December 10, 2017
What was your first job?
March 11, 2018
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If I hadn’t said it before I just want you to know. You matter.

2018 is the year of multiplication and acceleration. Once you’re in your zone, you know that big things happen. So how do you get there?

My prediction:

This is the year to attain every dream, and the year in which your income ideas and wealth will not only double, or Triple or even 10x but 20x!

I realize it sounds impossible but it’s true. This is the year that anything is possible. It’s the year to execute long standing ideas and plans. It’s the year to finally finish and live out your goals and dreams.

It’s not the year of planning. It’s the year of doing.

Check out the article Huffington Post interviewed me for this week, on the 1 big thing that you can do to eliminate distraction and find your flow.

Finding your Flow – Huffington Post

2018 is the year of yes.

What’s the downside? Nothing, unless you get distracted. Make a commitment now not to get distracted or derailed.

There are certain to be worldly things to distract us in this new year.

Guard your hearts. Minimize the news. Do not spend one day focused on the negative and do not dwell on the tragedies of the past or present.

Reclaim your power.

Reclaim your schedule.

Reclaim and create margin time.

2018 is the year of restoration and multiplication.

This is the year that your legacy is going to deeply transform thousands. This is the year that seeds are planted.

It is not the year of thinking, it is the year of doing. It is the year of the reward from the action that you will take.

Dream big in 2018, and get in your flow!

To your legacy

Tammy Kling


OnFire Books Leadership Company


Your Words Matter

The Conversation Event was created for world changers like you, those who will advance in a particular wealth of knowledge in the next decade, and have strong goals related to faith, family, finances, and fitness. Are you 1 of 100?

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